A Quick Message From Ash 💗

A Quick Message From Ash 💗
Hi! Hello!

I wanted to jump on and leave a quick message for y'all to celebrate the new website (I hope you guys are as in love with the new vibe as I am!)

Firstly, thank you to all of my amazing customers and fellow small business buddies who have supported my journey so far. Seriously, you guys are incredible and your messages of love and support are what keep me going on those super stressful days 🥹

Running a small business is definitely rewarding, but it can also be quite isolating at times. So having you guys there behind the scenes means more than you'll ever know!

Secondly, I have so many new and exciting items in the works and I cannot wait to share them with you guys over the next few weeks.

I've found myself particularly inspired with digital templates and so I have a whole catalogue of creative items for you guys to try 💗

Not to mention new dangles, badges and business goodies! I've been a very busy bee 🐝

So thank you again and enjoy the new vibes here at AMDMelbourne! 

-Ash x

📷 @lizzysgrl
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